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公司 >> 产品 >> CDP-CB-SB


A combiner box is a cabinet for photovoltaic systems which allows connecting strings of solar panels in parallel. CIRCUTOR CDP CB is a range of Combiner box prewired with all necessary protections (fuses, circuit breakers, AC and DC surge protections).

In addition to the protection elements, CDP CB range come with a CDP-0 which guarantees that the user can manage zero injection into the electrical grid, as well as a power analyzer CVM-MINI for measuring the consumption from the grid.

This special Combiner Box allows to place in a single cabinet which many times is divided in several cabinets, so user can save time during the installation and reduce the necessary space to place all these equipment.

Each combiner box CDP CB has been designed to be fully compatible with a CDP kit from CIRCUTOR. In that way, user could be sure that all the equipment connected is sized to obtain maximum efficiency of the solar installation.


BaoGang Road, No.263(510240)
HaiZhu District (GuangZhou) CHINA
Tel: (+86) 020-84395068
Fax: (+86) 020-84390828


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