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新闻中心_萨科特电气集团 广州钜铂电器有限公司
  • From 10 to 12 June, CIRCUTOR took part, as it does every year, in Expo Eléctrica Internacional 2014 Mexico, with good attendance from the public and a huge amount
  • Familiarise yourself with the advances and changes in energy efficiency, thanks to the new training content CIRCUTOR has made available to its customers on its web
  • CIRCUTOR presented at Intersolar (Munich) from 2 to 4 June the new inverter with the battery charging option, in line with the European self-consumpt
  • CIRCUTOR will present its new self-consumption inverter ISTG with storage management functions at Intersolar 2014 (Munich) Between June 4
  • CIRCUTOR supplies a solar canopy for charging electric vehicles to a BMW dealer in Almeria PREMIUM Almería (official BMW and MINI dealer) and PROCONSU
  • The energy company E.ON has received an award for one of "The 100 Best Ideas" by the “Recargo” photovoltaic charging project for vehicles. The project is a collabor
  • Products
    • Low voltage power capacitor

      Low voltage power capacitor
    • Active power filter

      Active power filter
    • Multifunctional instrument

      Multifunctional instrument
    • CVM-C10

    • Filter reactor

      Filter reactor

    Contact Us



    BaoGang Road, No.263(510240)
    HaiZhu District (GuangZhou) CHINA
    Tel: (+86) 020-84395068
    Fax: (+86)020-84390828


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